Saturday, October 13, 2012

IAM Thinking about Happiness...

"Happiness depends upon ourselves." ~Aristotle

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony with each other." ~ Mahatama Ghandi

"The only way to find true happiness is to risk being cut completely open."~ Chuck Palahinick

Today IAM thinking about happiness.  I could fill this post with countless definitions of happiness; everyone has a different definition, as something as abstract as happiness is only made concrete by the words, actions, and beliefs of those who pursue it. The idea of what in Hebrew is referred to as Simha, is one that I have been exploring and contemplating a lot over the past year.  This morning I was pouring over old journal entries, trying to find some inspiration for a writing assignment that I am giving to my students, when I found an attempt at my own definition of happiness.  As I have been meaning to update this blog and to write more myself, I felt that it was timely and appropriate to include that entry in the blogosphere.

Happiness is...

Knowing that the past doesn't confine us, that releasing tension frees us, and that every thought can be changed.  In fact, every moment is fleeting if we want it to be and savored if we don't.  Knowing that we all have the ability to choose the life that we want and that the universe is abundant, and God is kindhearted.  Knowing that we have people in our lives that will love and support us unconditionally and those who do not do not have to affect us or cannot steal our peace.  We can put up walls of resilience around those who have the potential to bring us down.  Knowing the beauty of appreciation and being mindful and reflective and of enjoying pleasure deeply and enduring pain gracefully.  Knowing that we are powerful--in mind, body, and spirit---that life is meant to be enjoyed, and this world is ours for the taking.   Knowing that we have the power to build people up, but the ability to bring them down if we so choose.  Knowing how calming the ocean is and how invigorating the cold air feels.  Knowing that communication is purging and that the truth will always set us free.  Knowing that you love, accept, and approve of yourself always and that you are whoever you want to be, and if you're not, you can change.

Today IAM thinking that we have to take the time to define happiness for ourselves.  We have to understand our big picture or mission statement in life.  What is our purpose, and what makes us happy?  As we go through each and every experience on this great journey, how do these experiences factor into our happiness?  If they enrich us, we can incorporate them into our own happiness project.  And if they don't, we must have the sense of strength and pride to let them go.  IAM thinking that if we do not take the time to define happiness for ourselves, we will lack this drive and ability to endure.

So today, tomorrow, or at some clearly defined point in the future, stop and consider what happiness means to you.  What are your big picture values, and how are you working day by day to achieve your life's aim?

This is what IAM thinking...what about you?!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

IAM Thinking about Legacies...

"The greatest use of life is to spend it on something that will outlast it." ~ William James

"You can't leave a footprint that lasts if you're always walking on tiptoe."~Marion Blakely

So I love old people.  I lived in a retirement area for a while and even considered moving to Fort Myers, FL for a period of time, which is also highly populated by the elderly persuasion.  I spend a lot of time with my 80 year old Nonna, and I was very close to my grandparents who have passed away.  I was an active member of an old lady card group, and I keep in close contact with many older friends. Just last week I had lunch with my former neighbor who is 76 years old. When I was in middle school, instead of listening to Jammin' 94.5, the local Rap station, I would share my grandpa's love for Lite Rock 105.1. I remained pen pals with my great grandmother for years before her passing at age 97. My mother always says that I have "an old soul". 

I think what I love most about old(er) people is their sense of perseverance and the notion that they instill by example that "this too shall pass".  I have learned from some of my former Chinese students that it is customary for Chinese children to spend extended amount of time with their grandparents so that they can glean first-hand the wisdom of generations past.  I think that this is a beautiful concept.  I love hearing about what my grandparents and older friends have overcome and experienced in their earlier lives, and I strongly believe that their experiences are a lesson to me as well as others in my generations and generations to come.

As a result of this reflection, IAM Thinking about the idea of a legacy. What others pass on.  IAM Thinking about what my own legacy might be, which is a powerful concept.  Have you ever stopped to think about how your grandchildren and great grandchildren will remember you, or how they will come to know you?  Will I be known as the adventurous one?  Will I be known as sentimental?  Will I be known as someone who cared for her family?  Someone who made decisions based on intuition over reason?  Will I be known as the sheltered one who never stood up for what she believed in?  Who preferred life comfortable and easy without any waves or ripples.  Or will I be known as one who made a splash?

As IAM thinking about my own legacy, IAM thinking about how my life story will be told years from now.  What impact will I have on future generations in my family?  Will I be known as the crazy aunt or the cool grandmother?  Will my story inspire others?  Or will I just be glanced over?

What will I leave behind?  Will my journals ever be read?  Will my scrapbooks ever be looked at?  Will future generations be proud of the person who I am/was?  The person who I became. 

IAM Thinking that we should all stop and consider how our actions and inactions may affect our posterity.  What can we do to pave a positive path for those in the future, and what will our legacy be?

This is what IAM about you?!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

IAM Thinking about how precious life is...

"Life is too short not to make the best and the most of everything that comes your way everyday." ~Sasha Azevedo

"Every man dies. Not every man really lives." ~Braveheart

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." ~Abraham Lincoln

Recently I have been thinking about life and its precious nature.  Unfortunately I have written more sympathy cards and attended more wakes in the past few weeks than I would care to attend in a year, or perhaps even a lifetime. It seems that life, for some, has come to an abrupt end, and it makes me think.  IAM Thinking first of all, why does it take a death to make us realize that we need to live?    It feels like we constantly need this tragic and untimely reminder of what really counts.  After hearing of a true tragedy in the life of another, suddenly the extra fee you were charged at the grocery or store, or the job that you lost last year doesn't seem nearly as important.  Why do we often forget what a miracle it is to just be alive--living and breathing?!  Every day that we wake up is a gift.  Why waste your time focusing on all of the negative things in your life instead of realizing that you actually are fortunate enough to have a life.  You are fortunate to just be alive.  And if you are alive, then LIVE!

My grandfather used to say, "I'd rather have 70 years living my life the way I want to live it, instead of 90 years living by someone else's standards."  Not only was "grampdawg" very wise, he was true to his word.  He died at 68 as a diabetic who had stashes of chocolate lollipops and bins of double bubble bubble gum in his closet.  He took annual family vacations to Aruba and would take his children and grandchilren out to lavish dinners on a weekly basis. When I think of living your life to the fullest, I am constantly reminded of his outlook and character. He epitomizes this concept for me. So maybe he didn't live those 90 years, and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish he had, but I will say this: he really lived.  How many people can say that?! 

Sometimes I think the true tragedy of death is the unfinished business, or the false hope of a life that was never complete.   I once read a really great quotation from an anonymous author that said, "when it is all said and done, will you have said more than you've done?"  How would you answer that question?  In fact, if you knew when you were born that you were only going to get 22 years old earth, would you live differently?  Unfortunately two of the most recent deaths that I have learned about were 22 year old girls.  This really makes me think, and I decided to share what IAM Thinking with you.

Life is meant to be enjoyed. Spend foolish money. Tell someone how you really feel about them. Sing in the shower. Eat that extra cookie. Reconcile an old friendship. Let go of grudges. Don't wait for the end of a person's life to let them know how you really feel. Don't wait for the reminder of death to encourage you to live. Make a bucket list...think about all of the things that you would do "if you had more time", or "if you had more money", or "if you didn't have to work", or whatever excuse or distortion you convinced yourself was hindering you from getting what you really want out of life.

Today, do something that really expresses how alive you are.  You will not regret it...someday you will not have this chance.  Whatever happens after this life none of us can say for certain.  We are all entitled to beliefs of an after life, heaven, reincarnation, whatever it may be. Yet none of us can confirm 100% what life beyond this one looks like. However, what we know for sure is that we have this life...this very precious and beautiful life. And we can shape the way this one looks.  As Mary Oliver says, "Now tell me, what is it that you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?".  So IAM Thinking...whatever it is you plan to do, do it!  Don't wait for a "rainy day", or even worse, for the end of your life. 

This is what IAM thinking...what about you?!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

IAM Thinking that it is an exciting time to be alive :)

"They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom."~Confucius

"Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" ~Mary Oliver

"I have created a life by stepping out of the box of people's limitations.  I call it zigging while others are zagging." ~ Oprah Winfrey

IAM Thinking about how fortunate we all are to be living in a present society, country, world where there are infinite possibilities.  We can be who we want, and we can create the life that we want, and that is a powerful thought.  With the advent of advanced technology, there is no limit to what we can find. Wellness and happiness books are lining modern day bookshelves. More people are practicing yoga, meditation, reflexology, EFT, etc.  Healthy eating phenomenons like Raw Food diets are taking off. There seems to be a wellness and happiness wave sweeping our society, and I am totally jumping on the bandwagon myself.  I've heard many different theories about this "paradigm shift" (a term that my brother told me was a meaningless concept the other day), such as it is the age of the Aquarius or that it is that our generation doesn't want to make the same mistake that previous generations made in valuing material possessions and spending money that they don't have (hello mortgage crisis!).   Regardless of the reason behind it, I am thinking that the end result is very exciting.  We have a society of people who are starting to value health, happiness, and seeing the connection between mind, body, and spirit more pervasively than recent generations past.

I have observed so many people go after their dreams and value internal and intrinsic value over anything that could be obtained externally.  There seems to be a conglomeration of Eastern and Western traditions, and with the progression of our global community, we are able to maximize the benefits from both hemispheres.  I've had friends leave jobs where they were on pace to make 6 figures to go into more holistic and helpful fields like nursing, teaching, counseling.  Even those who are not involved with helping others in the work field directly are volunteering and participating in philanthropies more, or at the very least donating to charitable organizations.  A majority of people in our generation seem to prioritize their values and don't mind taking their time to figure out what they want to do in life.  We are not afraid to change our career paths if it does not suit us intrinsically.   In fact, my new favorite response when someone questions why I have made some of the career choices that I have made recently is that I am taking "the path less traveled."  My Robert Frost reference is not only a shout out to my English teaching background, but I think it sums up a lot of what Generation Y values.  We seem to value individualism and find it completely acceptable to find out exactly what we want out of life with the confidence to pursue our dreams and the leeway to change paths if they do not suit us.

As always there needs to be a balance in life and everything in moderation, but IAM Thinking that a shift toward a happier and healthier future and outlook on life is never a bad thing....

This is what IAM Thinking...what about you?!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

IAM Thinking about the joy of travelling

"We travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, next, to find ourselves."--Pico Iyer

"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." --Saint Augustine

“Travel does what good novelists also do to the life of everyday, placing it like a picture in a frame or a gem in its setting, so that the intrinsic qualities are made clearer.  Travel does this with the very stuff that everyday life is made of, giving to it the sharp contour of meaning and art.” ~Freya Stark

           Today IAM thinking about travelling and all of the enrichment that travel has brought to my life.  I cannot fully describe the feeling that I get when I travel—it is though I totally embrace a new part of myself that I didn’t know existed.  Whenever I am on vacation, I rediscover my passion for adventure and cultural awareness.  I savor those moments and try to capture them through journaling and turning my memories into a page in my ever-growing scrapbook.  Yet the real magnificence that I capture from an experience abroad exists internally and cannot be matched until I take my next vacation.
 I started travelling at a young age with family trips all over New England, Florida, California, and our annual trip to my grandparents’ timeshare in Aruba.  I was fortunate enough to be brought up by a family who values rich cultural experiences and who encourages me to always pursue my passion.  When I was in high school, I played soccer abroad in Scotland and England and in my junior year of college, I spent some time studying in Australia.  Additionally, I have taken a few trips to Italy to connect with relatives and to pay tribute to my Italian heritage. My trips to Italy have taught me a lot about where I come from and the life that  my grandparents left behind for the promise of "the American Dream".  I have had the pleasure of meeting relatives for the first time whose generosity is unbelievable.  Although I had never met some of these relatives before, the idea that we are family was enough to inspire such unyielding generosity. I felt extremely guilty because I did not have the capability of communicating with some of these relatives, and I vowed to learn some Italian by the next time that I went to Italy. I greatly anticipate my next trip to Italy, which is scheduled for this spring. I have been taking an Italian class since September, and I hope that I am able to keep my promise. The last time that I was in Italy, I got to see an Italian graduation ceremony.  On this trip, I will also have the pleasure of witnessing my first Italian wedding.  Experiences like these cannot be replaced.
 I have taken something from every trip that I have ever taken.  For example, my passion for extreme sports and some of my most significant "outside of my comfort zone" experiences occurred in Australia. To this day, I cannot believe that I went bungee jumping and skydiving in the same day; this insanity was undoubtedly inspired by the energy that I felt while I was in Aussie. I have taken the concept of "Maui time" and slowing down life a little from my experience in Hawaii. I also started following the Green Smoothie Revolution as a result of conversations that I had while I was in Hawaii. I have taken a sense of peace and spirituality from my trip to Israel.  I have never seen such a beautiful celebration of a religion and a people.  No where else have I seen people literally dancing in the street as a form of celebration.  During every trip, I learn something new and significant about myself and although to varying degrees, my view of the world always changes.  Travelling helps me to appreciate the beauty of the seemingly mundane elements of our day to day lives.  
I really love Pico Iyer's essay, Why We Travel because I think that he captures the essence of how I feel about travelling.  The concept of vacation holds the appeal of an escape from reality and a chance to, as Iyer says, lose ourselves.  Yet, as I described earlier, throughout every trip, I always seem to discover or to reawaken a part of myself that I didn't know existed or that I forgot.  In fact, most of the clarity that I have received throughout my life and some of the most major life decisions that I have made have resulted from one of my travel experiences.  
So today IAM thinking about the importance of travel and how the experiences that we have abroad are priceless and thus worth every penny.  I encourage you, my supportive readers, to take advantage of travel opportunities whenever possible.  Don't just sit around and read about places or listen to others' experiences with travel.  Take a drive, get on a plane, a train, a bus...get out there!  The world is a rich and abundant place!

This is what IAM thinking...what about you?!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

IAM Thinking about NOT THINKING

"Not to be able to stop thinking is a dreadful affliction, but we don't realize this because almost everyone is suffering from it."~Eckhart Tolle

So while I'm not advocating for shutting your mind off completely, and there are certainly times when thinking is vital (I completely agree with the expression "think before you speak" in most cases), I think that Eckhart Tolle raises an excellent point when he equates our inability to dissociate from our thinking as a sort of disease.  It seems as though so few people are happy living in the present.  In fact, most of us spend half of our time anticipating and worrying about the future or dwelling on and lamenting the past, that we fail to just be in a thinkless state of present moment happiness.  This concept is also explored in Daniel Gilbert's Stumbling on Happiness.  He examines the idea that children and some people who have frontal lobe injuries and lack the ability to fathom the future can be identified as some of the happiest people alive.  IAM thinking that it is really sad that most of us experience our happiest times in the past (as children), or that those people who have suffered some sort of trauma have this ability to be happy because they cannot logistically conceptualize time.  A great majority of our population, on the other hand, uses our minds as weapons that poison our being with negative thoughts and apprehension about a future that hasn't yet happened or punishment for a past that cannot be changed. In his book The Power of Now, Tolle also raises the profound thought that the past doesn't become the past until it is done being the present, and the future too will someday be the present.  Therefore, if you really consider it, we are always living in the now.  (Trippy--I know!)

As a teacher, I often use the phrase "we'll cross that bridge when we get there".  I generally used this term because children/students are curious beings (which again is something that I value--thinking can be a wonderful process), and I use this expression to evade their incessant questions about things that I a) don't have the answer to or b) I'm not in the mood to address at the time.  However, in retrospect, I feel that maybe I am doing them a favor and that I should examine this concept in my own life a little bit more.  If we spend our time worrying about what is to come, we miss what is happening now. 

Of course all of this concepts sound simple, and I don't think that IAM thinking about anything overly original.  Yet, I can't help but feel that the simplest advice always sounds better coming from another person, and maybe we could all use this reminder.

So IAM thinking that we all need to take a break and give our minds a rest every now and then.  We need to just be instead of think and do.  We need to really relax, enjoy, appreciate, and cherish the moment for what it is and not for what it will be or for what it has been. 

It is time that I take my own advice here and practice what I preach.  As usual, I have 50 million more things to add, but I am going to quiet my mind and "veg out" for a bit...I suggest you do the same at different points throughout your day/week/month/year/life.

This is what IAM thinking...what about you?!

(If you don't respond, I will know that you have taken my advice).

Sunday, April 8, 2012

IAM Thinking about Rebirth

"Everything in nature is resurrection." ~Voltaire

So as Passover and Easter fall on the same weekend this year, I am thinking about similarities between the two celebrations and how we can apply some of the underlying concepts of these religious observances to our personal lives.  Through this post, I only wish to touch upon the idea of the religious connotation in order to apply the concepts on a more psychological and philosophical level.

In basic terms Passover centers around the idea of redemption which can apply to a need to escape from our own personal limitations and external oppression.  Easter centers on the idea of resurrection and transcending limitations.  I see both of the underlying concepts of these religious holidays as pointing to the idea of rebirth.  Additionally, both holidays come during the spring time, which is typically a period of rebirth and a reprieve from a hard winter.  I am thinking that we can consider this idea of rebirth in our own lives. 

Personally I tend to hibernate during the long New England winters and then when spring comes, I feel a renewed sense of hope and an excitement for what is to come.  I think that we can apply the idea of our own redemption as taken from the concept of Passover and our own resurrection as taken from the concept of Easter as we move into this next quarter of our year and resultingly, our lives.  I feel that everything that has happened in the past can be ammended, and just as the flowers are reborn after a long winter of being dormant, we can also revive our lives and our spirits.  This idea about a personal renaissance during the spring time is empowering.  Think about letting go of past limitations and resurrecting yourself...we have the ability to be whoever we want to be, yet it is easy to forget this idea and sometimes it is easier said than done.  It is ironic how we need tangible markers like New Years Resolutions to revamp areas of our lives or to focus on a long-desired goal.  If you fall under that category, I want to give you the excuse of the Passover/Easter/Spring period of revival and rebirth---make a change, resurrect, let go, seek redemption--however you see fit!

This is what IAM about you?!

Note: The concept of religious segregation can be touchy, so at this time, I just want to also include the following quotation by the Dalai Lama, as I feel that when it comes down to it, the segregation shouldn't matter as much as the principles of humanity prevail. All of these ideas will be explored at a later time, but for now please keep this in mind.  "Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate kindness and compassion." ~Dalai Lama

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

IAM Thinking about Journeys and Adventures

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."  Neale Donald Walsch 

So today I was thinking about adventures and journeys, and then my dear friend, let's call her JJ to be discreet, reminded me of one of my favorite quotations, and I knew that it was the perfect topic to explore.  I have this very firm belief that you never regret stepping outside of your comfort zone; you only regret NOT doing it.  In fact, I even believe that everyone should make an effort to step outside of their comfort zone whenever possible as I feel that this is where, as Walsch says, life truly begins. Take a minute to think back to all of the significant events in your life and those that you consider most memorable.  I am willing to bet that the anticipation of this event was much scarier than the actual event and that this event, which you now regard as memorable and positive, was once "outside of your comfort zone".  Throughout my own experience, I have observed many people at the beginning of their journeys--my former students as they decide where to attend college; my current students--as they have traveled thousands of miles from their homes to study abroad; friends who have made career changes; couples ready to take on the next phase of their lives--marriage, having children, buying a house.  I admire anyone who steps outside their comfort zone to begin a journey or adventure, and I know that in the end, their decision was the right one as it brought them to some new level of understanding and appreciation.  Furthermore, as we already mentioned, it has become a defining moment in their lives.

People that know me may think that I am enigmatic--and I guess I completely agree with that.  Part of that is because I absolutely love stepping outside of my comfort zone (for the most part--like anyone else, I have my times when I want to feel more comfortable and secure).  Actually, another one of my friends, let's call her Rachel, and I were once told that we do not seem to have comfort zones.  I think that the person who said this to us intended it as an insult, but I actually take her remark as a compliment.  I do things just to test myself--I went bungee jumping and skydiving in the same day; I got my black belt in Muay Tai kickboxing, and I ran a half marathon; I traveled to Israel with 48 strangers who I now consider an extension of my family; I started teaching high school when I was 21 years old; I left a very comfortable and rewarding job for the unknown.   I am not afraid to step outside of my comfort zone, and every single one of those experiences that I have just described define me for the better. 

Mark Twain once said, "Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain".  He is absolutely right.  In my experience, our own fears and uncertainty are the only things that hold us back, and once we start stepping outside of our comfort zone, it becomes contagious.  I don't have a tattoo, but I hear that getting tattooed carries the same kind of effect.  In the spirit of stepping outside of my comfort zone, maybe that will be my next endeavor! 

I could continue this post for hours and get into a lot of work by Joseph Campbell and the concept of The Heroine's Journey by Maureen Murdoch.  I have about a thousand quotations to include and even more books to recommend on this topic.  But for now, I will keep this brief.

I AM THINKING THAT EVERYONE SHOULD STEP OUTSIDE OF THEIR COMFORT ZONES!  just once...see how it feels :)  What do you think?!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

IAM Thinking about friendship and relationships

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same."

Author: unknown

I have been thinking about interpersonal relationships lately. I have had the pleasure of having some amazing people in my life--both in the form of long term friendships and just some of the people that have come in and out of my life throughout the past 27 years. I can honestly look back on all different phases of life and find people from different walks who have had various levels of impact on me. When I was in Girl Scouts as a child, I learned a very important song with the lyrics, "make new friends, but keep the old; one is silver and the other's gold". I have held onto this belief for a long time. I have some of the same best friends since I was in that very girl Scout Troop. Then I have a collection of amazing people in my life from my high school, college years, and my first few professional jobs respectively. My commencement speaker, Mike O'Malley, said it best when he said, "Try as often as you can to give tribute to your friends, to stay in contact, to be at their momentous occasions. Drive across the country and go into debt to go to their weddings, fly across the country and be with them when their parents pass away.You cannot make any new old friends."

I am thinking about how important it is to nurture positive relationships and to pay tribute to those in our lives who have played this significant role. If you have laughed with them, cried with them, made a fool out of yourself in front of them, they are true friends. If they have supported you, praised you, spoke frankly with you, they are true friends. You don't need to see your friends every day to know that they are there. People are busy; life happens, but there is no reason to hold grudges and be petty. Pick up the phone--call an old friend. Friendship is a two-way street.

I am also thinking about Mythos, a Greek beer's slogan "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen". Put yourself out there to a complete stranger. Don't be closed off--you never know. I have had some of my most profound conversations and subtle friendships on airplanes, in bus stations, at job fairs. People do come and go in our lives and just because you aren't going to have a long-lasting friendship with a person who you just meet doesn't mean you shouldn't try to be friendly. Everyone has a story--you can learn so much from just listening. You also never know---strangers become friends faster than you think.

I am thinking that we should welcome friendship and companionship in every form, and that every relationship teaches us something about ourselves. So next time you can, strike up a conversation with a complete stranger, call an old friend, reconnect with an acquaintance. You never know where it will lead. This is what I'm thinking...what about you?

Monday, March 19, 2012

IAM Thinking about the wonders of teaching

"While we try to teach all about life, students teach us what life is all about." ~Angela Schwindt

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell, where his influence stops.” Henry Brooks Adams

“I've come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It's my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child's life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or de-humanized.” Dr. Haim Ginott

I could go on for hours about why I love teaching, and I could inundate this post with teaching quotations that really resonate with my experience and what I hope to accomplish in the classroom. And, I'm sure, there will be other posts about teaching later in this blog. But for now, I wanted to acknowledge what IAM Thinking...I have been really appreciative about my profession lately. Teaching gives me an energy and a high like nothing else in this world. It is amazing to think that I have the power to empower and influence students positively. If you think back to all different phases of your life, I am sure you will find a great teacher somewhere in there. I want to be THAT teacher to some.

I mentioned last post that being told that I have inspired someone is the best compliment that I have and could ever receive. The quotation by Henry Brooks Adams really sums up that ideal--to know that even one small thing that I have said to a student, perhaps even in passing, has made a difference in their life for the positive, that has resonated with them, that has helped them overcome an adversity, or to make them think differently about something, really speaks to the marvels of teaching.

This past week, I had some wonderful experiences that really reaffirmed why I love teaching and know that it is the career for me. First of all, I have been emailing back and forth with many of my former students from both public school and from the language school where I currently instruct. It has been an amazing feeling to know that I can still teaching and coach them and be involved in their lives long distance. I am happiest when I am helping others make sense of their own lives. I love knowing that I am in a position to encourage them---As Dr. Ginott says, I am the deciding factor in my own classroom and my approach to education. Then on Friday a few of my students had to say their goodbyes as they were going back to their home countries. They wrote me the most beautiful cards and told me how I have made an impact on their present lives and potentially on their futures. In the cards, they referred to events and experiences that happened inside my classroom that I didn't realize had any impact at all. Words are so powerful, and not many are blessed to be in a profession where they get to see the direct impact of their words.

Friday night I went back to the high school where I used to to teach to see my former students perform in their annual musical. Being there gave me such an energy, as I saw this talented group of students put on one of the best musicals that I have ever seen. I was reflecting on how surreal it has been to watch this group of students mature and come into their own as people. I felt like they were celebrities up on stage performing, and I experienced a sense of pride that I can only imagine a parent has for their children when they accomplish such accolades. What was even more amazing was, as I was there, marveling over the talents of these students, they were approaching me and thanking ME for the role that I have played in their life and development and telling me how much they miss me. I ran into other students who were there as spectators who were updating me about their future plans for college---some of whom just got into their dream colleges and/or got full scholarships to prestigious universities. Others just told me how much I was missed at the school and updated me about the happenings. I was so overwhelmed with pride and energy seeing my former students and seeing the people who they are shaping up to be. They truly inspire me and remind me what life is all about (excuse my ending a sentence with a preposition).

Teaching is such a unique experience....and I do not take it for granted. As it has been said many times before, we may not make a fortune, but we have the ability to MAKE A DIFFERENCE. How many other people can say that?!

If more teachers got into teaching for the right reasons and ignored the stigma of "oh, you're only a teacher" or "how much do you really make?", imagine how amazing our world would be.

This is what IAM thinking...what about you?!

Friday, March 16, 2012

IAM Thinking...about inspiration

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."~Henry David Thoreau

When I first became a blogger (yesterday), I wrote that I have been inspired more than usual lately, and so today IAM thinking about inspiration. Where does it come from? How can we capture it and savor it? What motivates us to act on it?

A few weeks ago in Harvard Square someone put up a large, colorful collection of post-it notes that read, "Who Inspires You?" I absolutely loved this public display of inquiry. I encouraged all of my students to go and check it out, but I didn't capitalize more on this teachable moment. So now, I am thinking about this and posing these questions here again.

Inspiration is a funny thing....I pretty much get inspired on a daily basis. I am inspired by the books I read and the stories that I hear from others. I am inspired by my parents for working hard to create the comfortable life that we all have and my siblings for following their dreams and creating their own lives. I think there is something special about seeing people progress, and by the same tocken, their journeys are inspirational. I am inspired by all of my friends--new and old--and all of their amazing ideas and journeys that they have created for themselves. I am inspired by so many of my family members. I am inspired by my Nonno and Nonna for coming to this country without knowing a word of English and creating a life for themselves. I am inspired by my Bubbie and Grandpa and their beautiful outlook on enjoying life, which they instilled in me. I am inspired by former teachers and former classmates. Even if some of these relationships have been fleeting, they have taught me very important lessons and inspired me. I am inspired by former karate instructor, Mr. T. and his positivity and by all of my students, past and present. Ultimately, I am inspired by life.

If I had to sum up some of the most inspirational people, I would say those who take life by the horns; those who truly LIVE life instead of going through the motions; those who make decisions based on intuition and who voice their opinions regardless of what the reaction of others might be. I am inspired by people who succeed in the face of fear and who follow their dreams and take action. I am inspired by those who are committed to making a difference, however big or small, and however they decide to do it. I am inspired by those who journey into the unknown and who aren't afraid to make mistakes. I am inspired by so many types of people that this concept is too global for me to even contain right now.

As you can my list of inspirations goes on and on, and quite frankly, I could sit her for hours just acknowledging the role that so many have had in my life or trying to compartmentalize and qualify the idea of inspiration. I know that if you were to stop and think about this question, you would have an equally long and comprehensive list. I think that the main thing that I am thinking today is that if someone inspires us, we should share that with them. In fact, this week someone told me that I inspire them, and honestly, I think that was the best compliment that I have ever received. So today, tomorrow, some time in the future, if someone inspires you, let them know :)

This is what IAM about you?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

IAM Thinking...What Does it Mean to be an American?

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. ~Elmer Davis

There's the country of America, which you have to defend, but there's also the idea of America. America is more than just a country, it's an idea. An idea that's supposed to be contagious.
Bono (1960 - ), Oprah Winfrey Show, 2002

So I have been thinking about this question a lot recently. It really struck me this past weekend when I was in our nation's capital for the FIRST TIME EVER, and I was being shown around by one friend from Egypt, another friend from Lebanon, and two friends from Iran. What is wrong with this picture?!

My contemplation has further been brought about by a few factors. One--all of my travel experiences and the fact that everyone else seems to have a better grasp on their country than we, the American people as a whole, do. And actually, I feel that many people have a better grasp on OUR COUNTRY (as noted in my previous post) than most of us do. I am not writing this pompously or condescendingly as I am just as guilty as the next person, and I realize that I am generalizing a bit, as a lot of people do fully comprehend and appreciate America in various ways. But as an observation on the whole, I find our lack of Patriotism disheartening. In fact, I feel like it's sad that we live in an American society where a majority of citizens can name the cast of the Jersey Shore before they can name who is in the US Cabinet. But again, I am 100% guilty of this ignorance as well. It is just an observation.

Beyond that I've been thinking about multiculturalism as I started teaching ESL students this school year. Are we a multicultural nation? I mean I guess on paper we are---as we have multiple cultures living here. However, do we value these cultures and the diversity? I guess it goes back to the age old question--are we a salad bowl or a melting pot? Do we value the differences, or do we want everyone to conform to one type of "American"? How many people care to learn about other cultures, and how many people feel that they don't need to learn another language because "everyone speaks English". How many people are guilty of xenophobia in a country where most of us are originally "xenos" or at least our ancestors were? (Is that the correct terminology--ahh--the plight of the English teacher). Additionally, one of my questions in ESL this week is do things get "lost in translation" in a multicultural society? While I think this is possible, I still feel that the benefits outweigh the negatives of this possibility. There may be different ways to express the same feelings, and in that case, yes, things do inevitably get "lost in translation"; however, I think there is a universal language that we all speak, and that completely transcends words.

So I am posing these questions...because they are things that I am thinking about. Personally, I have done a lot of travelling. However, I have made the observation recently that I have only been to about 10-12 states in the US. I spend so much time appreciating other countries, and now I want to start appreciating my own. Some time in the future, not sure how near, but it is definitely on my Bucket List, I will take a cross country trip. I think that this is something every American should do. I think it's time that we stop taking our great nation and all of its counterparts for granted and that we start discovering what it really means to be an American.

This is what IAM Thinking...what do you think?!

IAM Thinking...entering the blogosphere is exciting!

The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think.~Edwin Schlossberg
So...I figured I would try this whole blogosphere thing as it is one of my personal goals to write more and because I AM always thinking! (Get it IAMele?!--trying to be clever!)

I have been inspired more than usual this year from all of my travel experiences, life experiences, international teaching, and the people that I have met along the way. I am also trying to be "present" more, and I think writing and reflecting provides a great way to do that. Maybe no one will read my blogs, in which case these words would be better served as journal entries meant for my own eyes; however, there is something empowering about "publishing" your thoughts. This concept is an aspect of the 21st century that I do not take for granted. Anyone can put anything out there these days. As individuals we all have a tremendous amount of power and the ability to have our voices heard. Some people may use this power differently than others, and some people may not fully comprehend the magnitude of what they put out there for the world to see. Nonetheless, we all have this power. So I AM capitalizing on it :)

Okay...introduction blog done. Click Publish, and I am officially in the blogosphere :)