Friday, March 16, 2012

IAM Thinking...about inspiration

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."~Henry David Thoreau

When I first became a blogger (yesterday), I wrote that I have been inspired more than usual lately, and so today IAM thinking about inspiration. Where does it come from? How can we capture it and savor it? What motivates us to act on it?

A few weeks ago in Harvard Square someone put up a large, colorful collection of post-it notes that read, "Who Inspires You?" I absolutely loved this public display of inquiry. I encouraged all of my students to go and check it out, but I didn't capitalize more on this teachable moment. So now, I am thinking about this and posing these questions here again.

Inspiration is a funny thing....I pretty much get inspired on a daily basis. I am inspired by the books I read and the stories that I hear from others. I am inspired by my parents for working hard to create the comfortable life that we all have and my siblings for following their dreams and creating their own lives. I think there is something special about seeing people progress, and by the same tocken, their journeys are inspirational. I am inspired by all of my friends--new and old--and all of their amazing ideas and journeys that they have created for themselves. I am inspired by so many of my family members. I am inspired by my Nonno and Nonna for coming to this country without knowing a word of English and creating a life for themselves. I am inspired by my Bubbie and Grandpa and their beautiful outlook on enjoying life, which they instilled in me. I am inspired by former teachers and former classmates. Even if some of these relationships have been fleeting, they have taught me very important lessons and inspired me. I am inspired by former karate instructor, Mr. T. and his positivity and by all of my students, past and present. Ultimately, I am inspired by life.

If I had to sum up some of the most inspirational people, I would say those who take life by the horns; those who truly LIVE life instead of going through the motions; those who make decisions based on intuition and who voice their opinions regardless of what the reaction of others might be. I am inspired by people who succeed in the face of fear and who follow their dreams and take action. I am inspired by those who are committed to making a difference, however big or small, and however they decide to do it. I am inspired by those who journey into the unknown and who aren't afraid to make mistakes. I am inspired by so many types of people that this concept is too global for me to even contain right now.

As you can my list of inspirations goes on and on, and quite frankly, I could sit her for hours just acknowledging the role that so many have had in my life or trying to compartmentalize and qualify the idea of inspiration. I know that if you were to stop and think about this question, you would have an equally long and comprehensive list. I think that the main thing that I am thinking today is that if someone inspires us, we should share that with them. In fact, this week someone told me that I inspire them, and honestly, I think that was the best compliment that I have ever received. So today, tomorrow, some time in the future, if someone inspires you, let them know :)

This is what IAM about you?

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