Sunday, August 12, 2012

IAM Thinking about Legacies...

"The greatest use of life is to spend it on something that will outlast it." ~ William James

"You can't leave a footprint that lasts if you're always walking on tiptoe."~Marion Blakely

So I love old people.  I lived in a retirement area for a while and even considered moving to Fort Myers, FL for a period of time, which is also highly populated by the elderly persuasion.  I spend a lot of time with my 80 year old Nonna, and I was very close to my grandparents who have passed away.  I was an active member of an old lady card group, and I keep in close contact with many older friends. Just last week I had lunch with my former neighbor who is 76 years old. When I was in middle school, instead of listening to Jammin' 94.5, the local Rap station, I would share my grandpa's love for Lite Rock 105.1. I remained pen pals with my great grandmother for years before her passing at age 97. My mother always says that I have "an old soul". 

I think what I love most about old(er) people is their sense of perseverance and the notion that they instill by example that "this too shall pass".  I have learned from some of my former Chinese students that it is customary for Chinese children to spend extended amount of time with their grandparents so that they can glean first-hand the wisdom of generations past.  I think that this is a beautiful concept.  I love hearing about what my grandparents and older friends have overcome and experienced in their earlier lives, and I strongly believe that their experiences are a lesson to me as well as others in my generations and generations to come.

As a result of this reflection, IAM Thinking about the idea of a legacy. What others pass on.  IAM Thinking about what my own legacy might be, which is a powerful concept.  Have you ever stopped to think about how your grandchildren and great grandchildren will remember you, or how they will come to know you?  Will I be known as the adventurous one?  Will I be known as sentimental?  Will I be known as someone who cared for her family?  Someone who made decisions based on intuition over reason?  Will I be known as the sheltered one who never stood up for what she believed in?  Who preferred life comfortable and easy without any waves or ripples.  Or will I be known as one who made a splash?

As IAM thinking about my own legacy, IAM thinking about how my life story will be told years from now.  What impact will I have on future generations in my family?  Will I be known as the crazy aunt or the cool grandmother?  Will my story inspire others?  Or will I just be glanced over?

What will I leave behind?  Will my journals ever be read?  Will my scrapbooks ever be looked at?  Will future generations be proud of the person who I am/was?  The person who I became. 

IAM Thinking that we should all stop and consider how our actions and inactions may affect our posterity.  What can we do to pave a positive path for those in the future, and what will our legacy be?

This is what IAM about you?!

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