Sunday, March 31, 2013

IAM Thinking About Creative Expression

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves. ~ Carl Jung

"Every child is an artist.  The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up" ~ Pablo Picasso

For the past few days I have been thinking about the merits of creative expression.  My newly acquired interest came from a visit to FABO, a cool local art and coffee shop here in Charlotte.  While I was at FABO my free spirit was reawakened. I was embracing my inner shippy (definition: a hippy that showers) and loving life as I took in the colorful and authentic atmosphere. Seriously, FABO is one of my new favorite spots in Charlotte (check it out if you are ever in the area).   As I was sitting there, sipping on wine and having profound conversation with my friend Shannon (another favorite pastime of mine--bonding), I thought of how good it feels to create stuff.  The next day I dusted off my scrapbooking supplies and engaged in some much needed creative time.  And it felt GREAT!  There is something amazing about unlocking the creative part of our brains and using child-like wonder to put something together.  I also think that creativity helps us use our minds well in other elements because it provides us with an outlet.

I noticed this with my students too.  I have been making an effort to create more authentic assessments and more lessons that appeal to the multiple intelligences and that differentiate based on not only academic needs but also on interests, and I have discovered amazing results.  Students who were not doing any work have been exceeding my expectations as I gave them the opportunity to use creative expression to convey the information that I was assessing.

I have also noticed a new trend at bars "paint nights", and I think they are on to something.  My very wise brother told me that he thinks everyone should take an art class in his/her life, and my dear art teaching friend Kristyn even taught an adult art class to teachers at my former school.  What a unique experience!  Although, unfortunately, I wasn't there to participate, I heard rave reviews as it was a chance for adults to tap into their creativity, bond, and most importantly, have fun.

I think as people get older, we think it is a crime to have fun.  Like we guilty about it, which is so ludicrous, but we do.  I do.  I confess.  In fact, I have even taken a hiatus from writing this blog because I felt guilty--it wasn't "productive" because I couldn't see the end result or the benefit to it.  But what's wrong with doing something for pleasure as a the end result?  I enjoy blogging, writing, creating, scrapbooking, making jewelry...and if people like what I create, I guess that's an added bonus.

And speaking of being productive, when I do something I love I get an energy that is stronger than one that is caffeine-induced (which for me is a lot of energy).  I go off of adrenaline and my sheer excitement for the possibilities of life, and with that level of energy I am a million more times productive than I am when I am just mundanely doing stuff.

So I am committing right now...right the blogosphere...I am going to make an effort once a week to do something creative.  To create express myself.  I may scrapbook; I may blog; I may journal; I may even write poetry.  It may not be "good" or "productive".  There may not be a "purpose" to it, but I do not care.  But I will get creative, and I will NOT feel guilty about it.

What if you all (y'all--I live down south now) make a similar commitment?  What if we all (w'all---doesn't exactly work) do stuff, just for fun.  Just because we want to?  What kind of world would it be if everyone did what they want to do when they want to without caring where it leads?  I think it would be pretty amazing.

This is what IAM about you?!

PS. It feels great to be back in the blogosphere...and I don't even feel guilty about it :)