Saturday, October 13, 2012

IAM Thinking about Happiness...

"Happiness depends upon ourselves." ~Aristotle

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony with each other." ~ Mahatama Ghandi

"The only way to find true happiness is to risk being cut completely open."~ Chuck Palahinick

Today IAM thinking about happiness.  I could fill this post with countless definitions of happiness; everyone has a different definition, as something as abstract as happiness is only made concrete by the words, actions, and beliefs of those who pursue it. The idea of what in Hebrew is referred to as Simha, is one that I have been exploring and contemplating a lot over the past year.  This morning I was pouring over old journal entries, trying to find some inspiration for a writing assignment that I am giving to my students, when I found an attempt at my own definition of happiness.  As I have been meaning to update this blog and to write more myself, I felt that it was timely and appropriate to include that entry in the blogosphere.

Happiness is...

Knowing that the past doesn't confine us, that releasing tension frees us, and that every thought can be changed.  In fact, every moment is fleeting if we want it to be and savored if we don't.  Knowing that we all have the ability to choose the life that we want and that the universe is abundant, and God is kindhearted.  Knowing that we have people in our lives that will love and support us unconditionally and those who do not do not have to affect us or cannot steal our peace.  We can put up walls of resilience around those who have the potential to bring us down.  Knowing the beauty of appreciation and being mindful and reflective and of enjoying pleasure deeply and enduring pain gracefully.  Knowing that we are powerful--in mind, body, and spirit---that life is meant to be enjoyed, and this world is ours for the taking.   Knowing that we have the power to build people up, but the ability to bring them down if we so choose.  Knowing how calming the ocean is and how invigorating the cold air feels.  Knowing that communication is purging and that the truth will always set us free.  Knowing that you love, accept, and approve of yourself always and that you are whoever you want to be, and if you're not, you can change.

Today IAM thinking that we have to take the time to define happiness for ourselves.  We have to understand our big picture or mission statement in life.  What is our purpose, and what makes us happy?  As we go through each and every experience on this great journey, how do these experiences factor into our happiness?  If they enrich us, we can incorporate them into our own happiness project.  And if they don't, we must have the sense of strength and pride to let them go.  IAM thinking that if we do not take the time to define happiness for ourselves, we will lack this drive and ability to endure.

So today, tomorrow, or at some clearly defined point in the future, stop and consider what happiness means to you.  What are your big picture values, and how are you working day by day to achieve your life's aim?

This is what IAM thinking...what about you?!