Saturday, May 12, 2012

IAM Thinking that it is an exciting time to be alive :)

"They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom."~Confucius

"Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" ~Mary Oliver

"I have created a life by stepping out of the box of people's limitations.  I call it zigging while others are zagging." ~ Oprah Winfrey

IAM Thinking about how fortunate we all are to be living in a present society, country, world where there are infinite possibilities.  We can be who we want, and we can create the life that we want, and that is a powerful thought.  With the advent of advanced technology, there is no limit to what we can find. Wellness and happiness books are lining modern day bookshelves. More people are practicing yoga, meditation, reflexology, EFT, etc.  Healthy eating phenomenons like Raw Food diets are taking off. There seems to be a wellness and happiness wave sweeping our society, and I am totally jumping on the bandwagon myself.  I've heard many different theories about this "paradigm shift" (a term that my brother told me was a meaningless concept the other day), such as it is the age of the Aquarius or that it is that our generation doesn't want to make the same mistake that previous generations made in valuing material possessions and spending money that they don't have (hello mortgage crisis!).   Regardless of the reason behind it, I am thinking that the end result is very exciting.  We have a society of people who are starting to value health, happiness, and seeing the connection between mind, body, and spirit more pervasively than recent generations past.

I have observed so many people go after their dreams and value internal and intrinsic value over anything that could be obtained externally.  There seems to be a conglomeration of Eastern and Western traditions, and with the progression of our global community, we are able to maximize the benefits from both hemispheres.  I've had friends leave jobs where they were on pace to make 6 figures to go into more holistic and helpful fields like nursing, teaching, counseling.  Even those who are not involved with helping others in the work field directly are volunteering and participating in philanthropies more, or at the very least donating to charitable organizations.  A majority of people in our generation seem to prioritize their values and don't mind taking their time to figure out what they want to do in life.  We are not afraid to change our career paths if it does not suit us intrinsically.   In fact, my new favorite response when someone questions why I have made some of the career choices that I have made recently is that I am taking "the path less traveled."  My Robert Frost reference is not only a shout out to my English teaching background, but I think it sums up a lot of what Generation Y values.  We seem to value individualism and find it completely acceptable to find out exactly what we want out of life with the confidence to pursue our dreams and the leeway to change paths if they do not suit us.

As always there needs to be a balance in life and everything in moderation, but IAM Thinking that a shift toward a happier and healthier future and outlook on life is never a bad thing....

This is what IAM Thinking...what about you?!